Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reader Response 1: Huck Finn (1-6)


"It 'lection day, and I ways just about to go and vote,myself if I warn't too drunk to get there;but when they told me there was a State in this country where they'd let that nigger vote, i drawned out.

I think that Huck's pap is intimidated that a black man has more power as him. He's uneducated and he thinks that if a black man can vote than he should just drop out. He knows that a black man can do better than him because he probably went to school and is educated.

Mark Twain thought that racism was an important thing because they were just freed at that time and he thought that they should have more opportunities, such as to vote rather than working for other people in houses. He was pointing out how they were treated and how they were disrespected and was making a point around that time.